Thursday, 24 September 2015

Lifestyle of giraffes

Giraffes mainly eat things like leaves and buds from trees . They also eat flowers and fruits but when in season but they rarely eat grass because it requires them to get into awkward positions which then will leave them very much open and vulnerable to predator's.  Giraffes normally eat 30kg of food a day but, they can survive on as little as 15kg of food. Giraffes do not sleep much but spend most of their time eating food (16-20) hour of eating a day Giraffes can go for weeks, months without drinking but usually drink around 7.5 litres of water a week.
In the wild giraffes will mainly eat things like leaves, plants and different things like fruits sometimes. But mainly giraffes will eat plants which they can reach easily and wont eat grass as much as said earlier. They have a special adaption which prevents blood from rushing to their heads when they are eating foods from the ground and this helps them a lot for when they are either drinking water or else when they are eating grass or other plants on the ground. Giraffes are herbivores which means that they do not eat any meat at all. this is why they only eat things like plants.

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